The Military Cross - Italy 1944
It doesn't just happen
Then Lieut. Robert Chamberlain: "in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy." was 'Recommended for immediate award by Lieutenant-Colonel W.S. Rutherford, Commanding Officer, the Perth Regiment.; approved by Brigadier G. Kitching, Comd, 11 Canadian Infantry Brigade on 26 January 1944 and passed forward on 27 January 1944; approved by Major-General C. Vokes, General Officer Commanding, 1 Canadian Division on 28 January 1944 and passed forward on 5 February 1944; approved by Lieutenant-General C.W. Allfrey, Commander, 5 Corps on 8 February 1944 and passed forward on 1 March 1944; approved by Lieutenant-General O.W.L. Leese, General Officer Commanding, Eighth Army on 3 March 1944 and passed forward on 6 March 1944. Approved by General H.R. Alexander, Commander-in-Chief, Allied Combined Military Forces on 9 March 1944 and sent for action on 14 April 1944.' [with thanks to the Perth Regiment for this record of the paper trail] The Citation |
17 January 1944 South of the Arielli River at Map Reference area 2917 Lieutenant Chamberlain was the commander of the leading platoon in an assault by his company of The Perth Regiment. Finding the only avenue of approach was to the right Lieutenant Chamberlain led his platoon in this direction, but was unable to maintain contact with the balance of the company after 0545 Hours. The stiff enemy opposition finally split his platoon, two sections became detached. Lieutenant Chamberlain however boldly pushed on and after fierce fighting succeeded in placing his small force on the platoon objective, accounting for the enemy machine gun posts sited thereon and the enemy who manned them. |